um estudo prospectivo
Technology. Education. Exclusion.Abstract
The use of technological tools in people's daily lives is increasing. With the advent of the COVID-19 Pandemic, which has changed and has been changing the behavior of the entire planet, assimilating what has been called the “new normal”, the use of new and old technologies has undergone a significant increase, due to the need for social isolation. Trade, economics, work and education had to adapt quickly to the new situation. However, social inequalities, which were already discrepant, with the pandemic became more latent. In this context, access to the network and, therefore, to information, has become essential, notably in the educational area. At this moment, the consequences of the digital exclusion in labor relations come to the fore, especially when the issue is analyzed under the perspective ofracism, since black people, since the time of slavery, have been relegated to the background when it comes to education. As a consequence, if more effective public policies that provide broad access to the digital world are not implemented, the occupation of higher positions by black people in the near future will be increasingly difficult, as the use of technologies is a path without return. It is in this context that the guarantee of the insertion of the digital world becomes imperative, providing a dignified life for those who seek recognition and social justice.
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